A collection of illustrated fairy stories from Louisa May Alcott--the author who brought us Little Women. Originally published in 1854, this collection of fables was inspired by Louisa's time spent in the woods around Walden Pond--a spot endearingly...
The first work published by Louisa May Alcott, "Flower Fables" (1854) is a charming collection of fantastical stories originally written for Ralph Waldo Emerson's daughter, Ellen Emerson. The stories arose from Alcott's experiences telling stories to the children of her neighbours...
"This is a nice collection of fairy tales that is sure to please young readers and the adults reading to them alike. The writing is very beautiful and the book contains several gorgeous illustrations to accompany the stories and bring them to life through their beautiful artwork."...
Flower Fables was the first work published by Louisa May Alcott and appeared on December 9, 1854. The book was a compilation of fanciful stories first written six years earlier for Ellen Emerson (daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson). The book was published in an edition of 1600 and...
Louisa May Alcott was an American novelist best known as author of the novel Little Women. In the mid-1860s, Alcott wrote passionate, fiery novels and sensational stories. She also produced wholesome stories for children, and after their positive reception, she did not generally...
Flower Fables was the first work published by Louisa May Alcott and appeared on December 9, 1854. The book was a compilation of fanciful stories first written six years earlier for Ellen Emerson (daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson). The book was published in an edition of 1600 and...
THE summer moon shone brightly down upon the sleeping earth, while far away from mortal eyes danced the Fairy folk. Fire-flies hung in bright clusters on the dewy leaves, that waved in the cool night-wind; and the flowers stood gazing, in very wonder, at the little Elves, who...
This collection chronicles the fiction and non fiction classics by the greatest writers the world has ever known. The inclusion of both popular as well as overlooked pieces is pivotal to providing a broad and representative collection of classic works.
A collection of her lesser known work, Flower Fables contains wildly imaginative stories that grew out of Alcott's experience as a storyteller to the children of her Concord, Connecticut, neighbors. Through these enticing encounters with fairies, elves, and animals, the author...
Classics for Your Collection: goo.gl/U80LCr --------- Stories originally written for Ellen Emerson, daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Flower Fables was the first work published by Louisa May Alcott and...
Louisa May Alcott's first published book was actually a collection of fairy tales called Flower Fables. Alcott first told her fanciful tales to Ellen, the daughter of Ralph Waldo Emerson, and later wrote them down as a present. Feeling proud and excited, Alcott's father brought...