A collection of three Flandry tales: THE GAME OF GLORY: Captain Flandry follows a dying man's clue to the watery provincial world of Nyanza, where a rebellion against the Empire may be brewing. A MESSAGE IN SECRET: Flandry ventures to the remote colonial world of Altai, whose...
A collection of three Flandry tales: THE GAME OF GLORY: Captain Flandry follows a dying man's clue to the watery provincial world of Nyanza, where a rebellion against the Empire may be brewing. A MESSAGE IN SECRET: Flandry ventures to the remote colonial world of Altai, whose...
A collection of three Flandry tales: THE GAME OF GLORY: Captain Flandry follows a dying man's clue to the watery provincial world of Nyanza, where a rebellion against the Empire may be brewing. A MESSAGE IN SECRET: Flandry ventures to the remote colonial world of Altai, whose...