I've read just about every single Dragon Lance book ever released, but I must say Fistandantilus Reborn outdoes them all. This book is spectacular, it's even better than 'Kagonesti : A Story of the Wild Elves' and 'Tales of Uncle Trapspringer', it might not be quite as good as 'The Gully Dwarves' but hey!....what is? The thickness of the plot and the symbolism in this book is simply phenomenal. This masterpiece is in short,...
FR is my favorite DL book of all time. Why? Well, several reasons really. For starters, the book's setup is intriguing, with jaunts back and forth in time as Foryth Teel, who, up until the end, was the omnipotent narrator uncovers more information about the mysterious Fistandantilus and his dual-lives.Secopd, the book explained a great many things about Fist, whose whereabout up until this book were a complete mystery...
After reading some of his sad attempts in the Forgotten Realms setting, I'm usually hesitant when it comes to buying novels by Doug Niles, but this was refreshingly different. It was well written, giving a great description of Krynn's landscape; had, for the most part, interesting characters; and, best of all, an excellent plot! There are spots where one might find himself confused time-wise, seeing as how you're told what...
Fistandantilus Reborn is a wonderful book. Douglas Niles does an exellant job of filling in the void of Fistandantilus's lost history after the Dwarfgate war, in wich he was thought to of been killed. & lt;p & gt;However I don't agree with the sub-title of this book "Lost Gods", because I feel Rastlin should've had that honor. After all it was Rastlin who mastered the past and present as well as controlling Fistandantilus...