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Language ArtsWell, maybe not. Unless there was cable TV, a DVD player, and a local video store. But still, this is the best reference on the market when it comes to cast/crew biography. The listing is exhaustive of directors, actors, writers, producers, and others who made important milestones when it comes to film. Included are film terms. It's true that this is not a film encyclopedia, actually, but there are those on the market already...
Some of the people who have rated this low do not understand the book's mission. This is a book of biographies of most all important Hollywood movers and shakers. It is sorted by the last name of the person, not by film. So put this next the LM's movie guide (sorted by film) and you have the ultimate cross reference set. Bios are well written and relevent. Details of minor roles are included that are missed in many...
Since its original publication, I have used this book both as a movie lover and as a writer. As a movie lover, it's a never-failing source of obscure information. Can't remember the name of the movie, and only remember its star? You'll find the answer here. Want to know what a grip does? Looking to discover how many films were made by Howard Hawks or Howard Hughes? What's a dolly? What's a key light? The answers to some of...
You'll go to look up one name and you'll end up browsing through this mesmerizing book for hours! Lists not only movie stars, but also directors, producers, writers, studios, etc., and movie terms. I like silent films and lesser known films from the early thirties, and I can usually find entries for long-ago forgotten stars within the pages of this venerable volume. Yes, some entries are regrettably small, but you'll...
I own the first two editions of this book, and have also used the third. It is far and away the best book of its kind. While I occasionally wish for more detail regarding a particular person, the book has sufficient depth for its scope. The only real problem I have with the later editions of "The Film Encyclopedia" is that entries on minor actors (contained in the first edition) are missing in the second and third editions...