The past and future collide in this gripping new addition to the beloved New York Times bestselling Longmire series. It's the summer of 1964, and recent college graduates Walt Longmire and Henry Standing Bear read the writing on the wall and enlist to serve in the Vietnam War. As they catch a few final waves in California before reporting for duty, a sudden storm assaults the shores and capsizes a nearby cargo boat. Walt and Henry...
It's time for our annual collection of the best books of the year. The titles that made the cut cover a robust range of genres and categories. This roundup includes the standouts in mystery & sci-fi/fantasy. Our next edition will focus on romance & horror. Check out past posts on literary fiction & nonfiction and kids & YA.
No matter how long our TBR lists get, we're always finding new books we want to add! Here are 23 exciting May releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.