There is the theoretical idea in Westminster Parliamentary systems that all Cabinet ministers are equals, and that the Prime Minister is simply First among Equals, rather than the nearly all-powerful figure most have become (similarly, the Pope as Bishop of Rome is theoretically merely the first among equals of bishops -- see how that works?).In fact, the office of the Prime Minister is a powerful position, one that drives...
'First Among Equals' is quite a different tale. Some of my friends told me that they found the initial part boring. Well, I didn't find that assessment to be true. This novel makes a very interesting reading, and like many other Archer novels, it picks up action as you reach 200-odd pages.This is a tale of four aspiring gentlemen: Fraser, Gould, Kerslake and Seymour who enter the House of Commons in the 1960s, each aspiring...
A first-class effort by Archer. Of the four primary characters, three were compelling men whom the reader pulled for up until the very end. As a man of the right, I found the two Labour men to be the most sympathetic figures in the book. Politicians, even the best of 'em, have their secrets. Archer serves to bring that out in spades. But, in the end, most of them -- at their core (we hope) -- have some spark of idealism. Would...
Archer is a fantastic storyteller and a political player (maybe the future mayor of London). That is why the book is perfect. You learn a lot about british politics while being greatly entertained. Even if you don't really like politics you'll love the suspense of this sophisticated political noble soap opera .
Archer, one of the best story tellers of the day, weaves a tale a three young men growing up in England, all aspiring to the same goal in life - to be the Prime Minister. Archer's nack for blending the characters and sub-characters together throughout their lives is as entertaining as he gets. EXCELLENT first read if you've never read a Jeffrey Archer book. It will definitely hook you on both his writing style and stories...