I got my copy and the spine was stuck on the sticky seal of the box that was not closed properly as it was loose. When I pulled the book off it tore the top layer of paper off.
CS LEWIS is a culture and future saver with seemingly inexhaustible depth of heart, soul and scholarship.
Lewis' Ransom trilogy (OUT OF THE SILENT PLANET, PERELANDRA and THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH) ought to be read with his THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS, if only to get the "inside track" of how the possessed (or rather, dispossessed) Dr. Weston plans to handle the coming human population on the watery planet of love.And a literal planet of love it is. Since love has its own innocence (which includes ignorance, unfortunately) it is a ripe...
That wacky C.S. Lewis, thinking he can stick Christian ideals andbeliefs into a science-fictional setting. What gall. You know whatthe funny part is? It actually works, which is something of anaccomplishment in itself. Y'see, this story continues from the lastbook (Out of the Silent Planet) where Dr Ransom is sent to"Perelandra" (Venus) where he finds a fantastic unspoiledparadise populated by strange and quite friendly...
Shall we call Perelandra an ecological fantasy? A psycho-drama? A novelized philosophical symposium? An illustrated Bible story? Whatever it is, the undoubted "star" of the novel is the planet Perelandra. There, Lewis creates not one world, but several distinct ecosystems: his unforgetable floating islands, (in Surprised by Joy and his autobiographical allegory Pilgrim's Regress Lewis describes how islands have been his...
It's time for our annual roundup of the best books from the previous year. The titles we chose span the full range of genres and categories. For all you adrenaline junkies, here are the nineteen thrillers and mysteries that made the cut.
Looking for a new crime to solve? Full of twists, turns, surprises—and a few cats—these twelve beloved detectives and amateur-sleuths will have you binge-reading all night. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them to pick the perfect next mystery series to sink into.
Stephen King's newest book, Holly, comes out on September 5, marking the triumphant return of reluctant private investigator Holly Gibney. The book is available for preorder of course, but in the meantime, we've pulled together a list of great retellings and read-alikes for ten of King's classic titles.