A terrific video-game-based fantasy that also works as social commentary. In a world where we could desperately use joint social action, why are we wasting our precious time on video games and other similar distractions dreamed up by corporate America? This book will be devoured by good upper-elementary readers too; it is unclear why the publisher says it is for 8th graders and up. For anyone familiar with Heir Apparent,...
When i first picked up Epic, i thought, "Eh, sounds okay." When i opened the book and started reading, "Somewhat interesting." When i put the book down after nonstop reading for five hours, no words could describe it. Epic is probably the best book i have read, and i have read a ton of books. Epic is set in a world where there is no violence allowed. Saga is the new worlds legal, government, and economic system, and everyone...
Set in an SF world of an established colony long out of communication with the motherworld, the action quickly unfolds as a MUD adventure in Cindella's quest for the Holy Grail of real world democracy, and the genuine opportunity to reconstruct the matrix of society itself. Billed as "Junior", its audience is much broader. Epic is an excellent tale. The themes are contemporary and serious. The action is fun. Epic is a look...
This is a wonderful book. I bought it for my 10 year old, but I really enjoyed reading it. It may be best suited for 12+ year olds because of the vocabulary, but it is a fascinating story.
Astonishingly good. The last time I read a book that swept me off my feet as thoroughly as this one, it was the very first time I read the very first Harry Potter book. Not that there are all that many similarities, beyond that it's set in a very well-developed imaginary world and that it's also very well-written. The story is set in the distant future on a planet that was colonized by refugees from Earth. The characters...
It's time for our annual roundup of the best books from the previous year. The titles we chose span the full range of genres and categories. For all you adrenaline junkies, here are the nineteen thrillers and mysteries that made the cut.
Looking for a new crime to solve? Full of twists, turns, surprises—and a few cats—these twelve beloved detectives and amateur-sleuths will have you binge-reading all night. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them to pick the perfect next mystery series to sink into.
Stephen King's newest book, Holly, comes out on September 5, marking the triumphant return of reluctant private investigator Holly Gibney. The book is available for preorder of course, but in the meantime, we've pulled together a list of great retellings and read-alikes for ten of King's classic titles.