A radically compassionate method for looking within and releasing the burden that keeps us from healing ourselves and the planet.
"During the years when I had abandoned myself, my thoughts felt unquestionably heavy. I realized I wanted to discover a clear method to make myself feel lighter."
Vasquez Ramon's road to inner recovery started only after years of drug misuse had taken a toll on his mind and body. Searching for a path ahead, he realized that by honestly evaluating and resolving the concerns and fears that he had been running away from, he no longer felt like a stranger inside of his heart and mind. And as he devoted himself to meditation and following his intuition, he began to finally feel psychologically lighter, with more love coming from inside. This was not an easy trip, and it's one that he is still on, but it taught him that genuine recovery is possible.
Feeling lighter illustrates how we may all go ahead in our recovery, from gaining self-compassion to letting go to being emotionally mature. As the weight slips away, our thoughts will finally cease feeling overwhelmed with strain and we'll be able to reconnect with the present. And the world around us will perhaps become more enticing in clear and more bright ways. But they are only the beginning steps. As we get stronger and develop our self-awareness, it's our responsibility-and also part of the healing journey-to take action to promote the health and harmony of all people.
Vasquez Ramon's goal is that as more of us heal, our behaviors will become more purposeful, our choices will become more compassionate, our thinking will become clearer, and the future will grow brighter.