In times of economic uncertainty, it's easy for people to get scared and want to pull back and conserve instead of moving forward. We call this Fearonomics. Fearonomics believes in all the bad news and tells us that there's not enough to go around. We think we have to hoard all we have just in case something even worse happens. This is the same kind of thinking that became part of our culture after the Great Depression.
But as believers, we have a covenant with God and operate in His Kingdom principles. This is not the time for us to retreat, this is the time for us to move forward, conquer, and prosper Even in the midst of a recession, businesses are being started and expanded, and people are making their millions. Why not you?
Let Dr. Bill Moore encourage you as he explains what God really thinks about the current economy. Reach higher, dream bigger, and achieve more than you ever thought possible. As you begin to positively impact your community, your church, and your business, your dreams will begin to come true. Break out of Fearonomics and step into God's awesome plan for your life