In his attempts to awaken the German Communist Party and the Communist International (Comintern) to the mortal danger and to rally a united-front against Nazism, Trotsky made a point-by-point critique of the policies of the social-democratic and Stalinist parties. This constitutes...
"Fascism: What it is and How to fight it" is a collection of writings by Trotsky. Communist leader Leon Trotsky examines the class origins and character of fascist movements. Building on foundations laid by the Communist International in Lenin's time, Trotsky advances a working-class...
""Fascism: What It Is, How To Fight It"" is a book written by Leon Trotsky that provides a comprehensive analysis of the nature and characteristics of fascism. Trotsky, a Marxist revolutionary and theorist, delves into the origins of fascism, its ideology, and its political and...
De Russische revolutionair Leon Trotski over de opkomst van het fascisme en de strijd ertegen