For some reason the great A.C.Clarke made the egregious mistake of retconning the original 2001 story to go to Jupiter instead of the much more compelling Iapetus moon of Saturn where the first book ends up. Some foolish notion of following the movie when the book should be a sequel to the book. And 2001 the book was far better than the film. Aside from that this is a pleasure.
In writing 2010, Arthur C Clarke had to decide if he was going to sequel his book or the masterpiece that was the movie. He chose the movie and does indicate this before starting the story. The difference here is that 2001 the novel had the stargate on the Saturnian moon, Iapetus. Instead he writes as if the first novel followed the movie completely with the stargate orbiting Jupiter. The book 2010 is very similar to...
In every way, this book is worthy to succeed the masterwork 2001: A Space Odyssey. That is quite a rare thing, considering the hype and standard that its predecessor set. Like the predecessor, this book is prophetic. In 1980's, only had the single-shot Apollo-Soyuz mission to build on. Now joint Russo-American spaceflight are standard operating procedures. But that is the job of science fiction--to blaze the trail. I...
2010 is one of the rare cases where the sequel is almost as good as the original - in some ways it is even better. There are some quibbles of course. In building on 2001, Clarke chose to follow the movie rather than the book (hence Jupiter instead of Saturn, the recap of Bowman's conflict with Hal gives the movie dialog and so on). Also, 2001 was almost austere in its simplicity. Dialog and character development were skeletal...
2010 brings the approach of a second Cold War between the United States and Russia, and at the same time, a problem is raised when the Discovery's orbit is decaying and risks a crash on Jupiter's moon, Io. Heywood Floyd, the director of the Discovery mission in 2001, is sent on the Russian ship Alexei Leonov to help stabilize the doomed space station. His other mission objectives is to solve the mysteries between HAL 9000's...