A compelling work on faith based on Hebrews 11. What is faith? How do we get it? What are its benefits? Its trials and obligations?
No portion of Scripture deals more clearly with the vitality of faith than Hebrews 11.
"This chapter is to faith what the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians is to love," writes Richard Phillips. "Hebrews 11 is the work of a master teacher and loving pastor who is convinced that the fate of his readers hinges on their faith."
Like the first audience of the book of Hebrews, the church today faces mounting opposition-even persecution-and the danger of falling away from the truth. Faith Victorious opens the fascinating world of Old Testament men and women whose vision of a sure hope beyond their struggles led them to acts of great courage. It likewise calls us to persevere in faith and to spur each other on to love and good deeds.
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