Very good little book. Not outstanding, but interesting, delightful, and sweet. The main character has good emotional depth and I could feel her plight. Her troubles made me really sad and I rooted for her. The love interest isn’t really anything to write home about, but it’s not poorly done, just average for these types of books. I found Ivi to be a compelling, complex character. She’s one of my favorite parts of the book...
Fairest is a retelling of Snow White. Many twists have been made, such as gnomes instead of dwarfs, the girl not being related to the queen, the king being alive, and the girl truly falling in love with the prince, instead of getting a glance at a man and deciding to marry him. We all know the original, so it's great to read something with a little spice added. There is some kissing, but nothing inappropriate or violent...
Most babies are born crying. Fifteen-year-old Aza, however, wasn't like most babies. Aza was born singing. A beautiful song, in a clear voice; yet still a peculiar way to announce yourself to the world. Perhaps that's why she has no idea whom her true birth parents are. Abandoned at the Featherbed Inn when she was a mere one month old, Aza has thanked her lucky stars each and every day that the Featherbed's proprietors were...
For fans of Gail Carson Levine's other fantasy novels (Ella Enchanted, Two Princesses of Bamarre), her newest, Fairest, will not disappoint. Fairest is the story of the teenager Aza, who feels ugly and awkward in a land where beauty and song are prized above other qualities. While she has the most beautiful voice in the country, she is somewhat lacking in the beauty department. Through her association with a noblewoman...
Aza ins't just plain; she's plain ugly. In a land where song, grace, and beauty are prized, Aza's large stature, not just in height but also breadth, are deemed appalling and overshadow her amazing abilities in singing. Abandoned at the Featherbed Inn as a newborn, she is lovingly raised by her foster family. But their love can't overcome the low self-esteem Aza develops because of how other people treat her. When an unexpected...