I first got this brilliant and easy-to-follow book years ago when I didn't have a hint of wrinkles. I used it for a few weeks, then sort of laid it aside. Recently my 80-year-old mother-in-law was in town and was complaining about wrinkles around her mouth. I pulled the book out, showed her some exercises, and she began Within a few days, you could see a difference. Since I am now mid-50's, I decided to try to get ride of...
This book is very detailed especially the drawings of the face showing you every muscle being worked. I haven't had this book long, but look forward to some very exciting results. If you have just five mins a day this book is for you. I just incorporate it with my daily workouts. Why not workout your face just like you workout your body, it makes perfect sense. Everything the author says about working out your facial muscles...
I love this book because the photographs are so clear. Each exercise shows great pictures: one shows a drawing of the entire head with all the muscles and the targeted ones highlighted, and one photo of the woman's face with lines drawn on the skin showing the targeted muscles, and then the photo(s) of the exercise with a very clear written description. I love it!
Like everyone else in this world, I am aging and am concerned about aging. I have been using this book since it came out (off and on), and people tell me I look about 6 years younger than I am! It does not make wrinkles, if you do the exercises as directed, and it makes your face feel great. Highly recommended. Write to me if you buy it