Getting the right cut for the right fabric is the key to gooddesign.
One of the most challenging aspects of a fashiondesigner's training is learning how to crate patterns thatutilize the characteristics of fabrics. With an ever expandingrange available, an understanding of the relationship betweenfabric, form and pattern shape is now the most important skill adesigner has to acquire.
Winifred Aldrich, a leading pattern cutting authority, exploreshow a garment's shape is created and discusses the factorsthat need to be considered when creating patterns and offers you apractical method for solving problems. No other pattern cuttingbook considers the effects of individual fabrics and its approachis based on the appraisal of the fabric and body shape.
Fabrics and Patterns Cutting is the revised andsimplified edition of Fabric, Form and Flat PatternCutting. It is fully illustrated and makes use of numerouspractical examples. It also takes into account important newdevelopments in fabric - new fabrics, new methods of fabricconstruction and new fabric finishes.
Free block patterns are available online for readers to printout for use in their classes.