Exploring Reiki introduces this increasingly popular form of hands-on healing by answering the 108 most often-asked questions relating to its practice in common-sense, reader-friendly language. It covers all the practical issues a complete beginner would want to know about while still providing an in-depth and all-round presentation. As a result, Exploring Reiki is as helpful to the curious browser who wishes to get first hand information from an...
Excellent book -- It really has answered all my questions and more. This is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more on Reiki. I am a very new Level I Reiki Practitioner.
Dr. Laxmi Paula Horan's Exploring Reiki: 108 Questions And Answers uses the question/answer format to answer many common questions about Reiki, from how to identify a suitable practitioner to when is the best time to practice Reiki and what happens to those practicing in the long term. An excellent introduction for newcomers written by a doctor who has been practicing and teaching Reiki worldwide since the mid-1980s.