If you have ever tried to do a card trick and failed, you know what it is to be embarrassed. You may try to cover up by doing a more difficult trick and fail again. The way out of this dilemma, however, is not immediate, but it is reliable: a surer mastery of technique. This...
If you have ever tried to do a card trick and failed, you know what it is to be embarrassed. You may try to cover up by doing a more difficult trick and fail again. The way out of this dilemma, however, is not immediate, but it is reliable: a surer mastery of technique. This...
"Expert Card Technique" by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue is a detailed and instructive guide on how to master the manipulation of cards. Jean Hugard, born John Gerard Rodney Boyce in Queensland, Australia in 1872, began his professional career as a magician in 1896 and eventually...