It's a great book! It actually consists of two parts: a brief but very useful VBA overview with all popular tricks and hints in the beginning and a deep and coplete reference at the end. Normally you need to buy two separate books to get this coverage. This book can get you started in a few hours and answer virtually all your questions going forward. Really, really good!
I'm a beginner in VBA and I bough this book one week ago and I find it excellent. I have tried to learn VBA with other books before with no success. This book is easy to follow and gives lots of easy examples. Personally I learn best working with examples. No problem recommending this book for other beginners. Ok it doesn't come with a CD, but it's no problem downloading what you need from the home page. Good luck!
I am an IT consultant with limited programming exposure, but good Excel knowledge. I had a sudden Excel VBA work requirement that meant I had to get going fast. Had heard this was not a book to get started on, but not true, and wouldn't have wanted to learn any other way. No messing around - get stuck in with real world business examples and numerous tips on things to watch out for. Had to focus hard as there is so much...
Hello Excel usersIf you want to learn about programming in Excel there are two books that you must have near your computer.The first is the 2002 book from John Walkenbach and this one from Bullen, Green, Bovey, Rosenberg.This 2002 version is better to read then the 2000 version is my opinion and also a lot bigger (from 715 to 993 pages)The authors have made a great job of making this new version of the Excel 2000 VBA book.If...
It has been many years since I have done alot of programing. In learning VBA this is the third book I have tried. Most programming books today, are very long winded. Programing is not difficult, if you can actually find the detials of the functions you have available. This is the first book I have found that lists the VBA object model details. I am old fashioned and like to have this in a book, rather than burried in...