This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.
This enchanting contemporary retelling of the classic fairy tale stars Barrymore as a savvy, modern young woman of the 16th Century whose strength and courage work magic on the lives of all those around her including the crown prince of France.