I bought this book in 1973 and have used the paperback so much it's falling apart. Delightful short essays at the beginning of each chapter. Recipes a bit dated, but good wholesome food.
Another review mentions this book as being for experienced cooks. I beg to differ. This classic genuinely taught me to entertain. As an inexperienced young bride with no clue as to what to whip up for dinner parties of any size this was an invaluable resource. And more than 35 years later I still rely on this tattered old book to inspire me. Thank you dear Mr. Beard for years and years of great recipes. This book buillt...
'Menus for Entertaining' by premier American cuisine writer, James Beard is a rich source of something rare in culinary books today, the no nonsense reference for people who already know how to cook, but need a wide variety of options for putting together interesting menus for entertaining. This may be the very best possible companion to Martha Stewart's classic 'Entertaining' book, which deals with just about everything else...
What can you say? The man knew food, and this book has the typical Beardian rightness that we have always come to expect. Clever and tremendously helpful for any type of party concievable. I can only wonder what James would have done in the healthier 1990's with his wonderful ideas; perhaps the only drawback are the meat-oriented menues. But any clever cook will know how to adapt. The floorplan is completely layed...