At first, I was disappointed with the book. I had hoped it would be a good ole Adam Hamilton "feel good" joy book. That it is not. Yet, it is a good, informative book, well worth reading. While it adresses attitudes Christians should have about their money and financial resources, it focuses mainly on living a Christian life with Christian values, and is, in the end, quite good. It might not change your life and lead to...
Church of The Resurrection has offered another great resource for church folks. This book helps the reader rethink how one uses one's resources. In a world where spend, spend, spend has been the message for far too long, Adam Hamilton gives guidance on how to live within one's means without feeling deprived. More than that, this book compels the reader to realize that simplicity is a blessing - and generosity and joy. ...
I seem to be creating an Adam Hamilton's theme but I am finally getting around to writing about his book Enough, Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. I couldn't write about it right away because I wanted my wife to read it first. We both loved the book. It is not that it was the first book ever written on the subject, it is just the Hamilton has a great way of speaking simply and clearly about complex issues...
Enough Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity Adam Hamilton Abingdon Press 2009 ISBN-13:978-1-426-70233-4 Reviewed by Cindy Loven Enough, is a book that explores the reason that America and Americans face horrible debt problems, the book deals with the reasons that many face financial crisis, and the Biblical answers to facing and overcoming those crises The beginning of the book, explores and explains "affluenza"or...
I really enjoyed this little book. It is timely and courageous. Through great Biblical wisdom it calls us all back to a way of living that is not only Christ-like, but wise and relevant for our times. I'm a pastor of a small church in California and I'm seriously considering purchasing a copy for everyone in my church.