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Basketball College & University Encyclopedias Sports Sports & Outdoors Sports & RecreationFinance has never been my area of expertise, but this book triggered a new-found enthusiasm for me. When you think of bonds, you don't think "adventure;" more likely, you imagine staid and boring traders sitting at desks on Wall Street, shouting into phones, wearing pinstripe suits and expensive sunglasses. The author of this book is about as far from that stereotype as you can imagine, although he does spend his fair share...
Most self-help teachers advise those seeking success to find a good role model and emulate what they did to achieve success. The idea is that success leaves footprints - steps that others can follow. Riches Among the Ruins is a great example and Robert Smith would be an excellent role model for others to follow. He finished last in his high school class. But his financial success has allowed him to build a theater and...
Who says being a banker is steady and boring? Smith paints an image of high wire adventurism that gets more interesting with each chapter (the climax being present day Iraq). Its light on financial theory but makes up for it with practical wisdom on how business gets done in the shady world of emerging market bonds. great summer read!
I was intrigued from the title considering the times we're living in, and I zipped through this well-written, humorous, and interesting book. It reads like an international adventure and is great for someone who is curious about how the world used to work when developing countries teetered near bankruptcy in the 70's and 80's, all told from an entrepreneur's eyes with self-deprecating humility. Especially good book for someone...
Part exciting adventure thriller, part financial advice, this book reads like an Indiana Jones or Ian Fleming story. Smith takes us through his shenanigans in often war-torn perilous developing countries, where he tried (sometimes successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully) to forge a new financial instrument. Today's huge emerging market industry was shaped by economic frontmen like Smith, and likewise, our nation's woes could...