IT WAS Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock. There was the usual scene; outside the Gates of Bercy there was a crowd of people, and on the quays, four rows deep, carts and wagons were massed together. Coal carts, carts heaped with hay and straw, all were waiting in the clear, warm...
This edition of Nobody's Girl, a classic novel by Hector Malot, contains the original illustrations from the translation by Florence Crewe-Jones. We follow the story of a young orphan named Perinne, who - despite poverty and misfortune - maintains her nature as a motivated, moral...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
This edition of Nobody's Girl, a classic novel by Hector Malot, contains the original illustrations from the translation by Florence Crewe-Jones. We follow the story of a young orphan named Perinne, who - despite poverty and misfortune - maintains her nature as a motivated, moral...
Book Excerpt: ...>At last she found the place for which she was looking. This must be it! Inside the field there was an old omnibus without wheels, and a railway car, also without wheels, was on the ground. In addition, she saw a dozen little round pups rolling about. Yes, this...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
Perrine, une petite fille de 12 ans, arrive Paris dans une mis rable roulotte avec sa m re malade. A son d c s, elle n 'a plus d'autre solution que de se rendre Maraucourt, pr s d'Amiens, pour essayer de se faire accepter par la famille de son p re d funt. Son grand-p re,...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Comme cela arrive souvent le samedi vers trois heures, les abords de la porte de Bercy taient encombr s, et sur le quai, en quatre files, les voitures s'entassaient la queue leu leu: haquets charg s de f ts, tombereaux de charbon ou de mat riaux, charrettes de foin ou de paille,...
Ce roman narre le destin d'une jeune orpheline d'une douzaine d'ann es: Perrine, pr nom emprunt par l'auteur sa petite-fille. D'autre part, l'ouvrage retrace la vie et l' volution d'un grand complexe industriel de la fin du xixe si cle: les usines Saint Fr res de la vall e...
En famille - dont le titre fait cho Sans famille publi en 1878 - est le cinquanti me ouvrage d'une oeuvre qui d nonce les conditions de travail, particuli rement celles des enfants, et dont l'auteur milite pour le droit au divorce, la r forme des lois des h pitaux psychiatriques,...
Une fillettte, Perrine arrive en France pour conquerir le grand-pere Vulfran Paindavoine, qu'elle n'a jamais vu. Le vieil homme est un riche industriel qui a fait fortune dans l'industrie textile. Il s'est jadis fache avec son fils, le pere de Perrine, parce que celui-ci avait...
L'histoire: la fin du XIXe si cle, la jeune Perrine Paindavoine a entam , avec ses parents, un voyage de l'Inde vers la France pour tenter d'atteindre Maraucourt, o r side le riche grand-p re Vulfran Paindavoine, qui a rompu toute relation avec son fils Edmond du jour o celui-ci...