Have emotions sometimes interfered with your ability to function normally at work?
Do you feel that sometimes you direct your emotions towards the wrong people? Does stress and conflict in your personal life influence your actions and behavior in your public life?
These questions are testing your level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is about knowing enough about your emotions that you are able to turn them into positive energy that enhances, as opposed to undermines, your work efficiency.
This can be an exciting achievement as you pursue the ambition of leading. As a leader, you are supposed to see things clearly, as decisions that are fair and just depend on that. Sometimes, you can easily find yourself being unfair to a certain person, or developing attitudes towards individuals or certain work functions. However, you may not find a logical explanation for this. This is emotional interference that this book wants to free you from.
Reading this book has various benefits;
You will begin to understand yourself better as someone who has certain internal forces that can influence external behavior. You will also understand the external forces that can alter or change your emotional state. The goal is for you to attain a balance between the internal and external forces that influence who you are and how you function.The book guides you in developing self-regulation. This makes you good at anything that you get yourself to. Leadership being the primary goal, you will be good at weighing situations soberly. you will learn the techniques of keeping our private life separate from the public and acquire the intelligence of keeping your stresses in check.The book also makes you learn how to focus your emotions by accepting them too. You will learn that being a leader does not mean denying that you can have attitudes, feelings, and biases. However, the intelligence you learn gives you the ability to be purposeful and deliberate with them. You do not come out spontaneous in your emotional elicitations.You definitely will love reading about your emotions. You will know that the best place to start in dealing with others as a leader is from within yourself. Yet, as you understand yourself, you get ideas about others, and can recognize their emotional states. This way, you can guide your employees on the same and path, too.
To this end, you need to buy this book and read it. Not just because it will set you up to be a great leader, but because if you are not a leader yet, practicing what is in this book will make you one. People will recognize that you are balanced in the way you handle situations. They will allow you the room to lead because you react to situations and develop ideas of phenomena with measured emotional sense.
It is time for you to become the leader you always have wanted to be. Buy this book and take your leadership skills next level. Here is a chance for you to eventually stop being a slave of your emotions.