A practical guide to better communication that will break the blackmail cycle for good, by one of the nation's leading therapists, Susan Forward. "Breathe a sigh of relief! Susan Forward helps you identify and correct an intensely destructive...
El chantaje emocional es una poderosa forma de manipulaci n por medio de la cual las personas a nuestro alrededor amenazan con castigarnos si no hacemos lo que quieren que hagamos.
Los chantajistas emocionales saben cu nto los valoramos, y conocen lo que...
In this important book, the bestselling author of Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them and Toxic Parents presents the anatomy of a relationship damaged by manipulation and gives readers an arsenal of tools with which to fight back.
Esta obra parte del principio de que todos manipulamos hasta cierto nivel, pero el chantaje emocional es un nivel a n mayor. Quien chantajea se aprovecha de los miedos de la otra persona para hacerla sentir culpable u obligada a cumplir con sus exigencias. El libro se divide...
A practical guide to better communication that will break the blackmail cycle for good, by one of the nation's leading therapists, Susan Forward. "Breathe a sigh of relief Susan Forward helps you identify and correct an intensely destructive and confusing pattern of relating...
Do important people in your life: Threaten to make your life difficult or end your relationship if you don't do what they want?