Three friends and I searched for books by Elizabeth several years ago. Almost all our copies were found in used and/or antique bookstores. It was wonderful fun to find a rare book by Elizabeth, but even more wonderful was to have a chance to read each of her 22 books! They are all marvelous, but Elizabeth and Her German Garden, Solitary Summer, The Enchanted April, Vera, and Love are some of my favorites. There are two biographies...
This book was referred to in Rosamunde Pilcher's "The Shell Seekers". It sounded interesting to me and so I ordered it.Since it was written in 1898, it tells of a life very different than any today. As an Englishwoman, it was difficult for her to live in the stuffy German society in the city. Having a garden and house in the country where she did quite what she wanted kept her sane. Of course, having a houseful of servants...
This is the story of Elizabeth, who speaks in a facetious and teasing manner...her husband sees her as typical "woman", therefore he can laugh at her and be charmed with her ways...she sees him as "the man of wrath", bound by natural laws to be serious, to be the dose of practicality. These may be stereo-typical views of the sexes, after all, the book was written in 1898. Elizabeth is writing in a biographical, journal...