Michael Gorman has written a detailed systematic method for producing appropriately structured and accurate exegetical works. I wish that I had known about this book before finishing much of my Masters degree. This book was a text book for a course, but I think anybody wanting to write scholarly works dealing with the Bible should purchase Elements of Biblical Exegesis. Gorman's style is clear, easily understood, and he even...
Michael Gorman offers a good, basic step by step approach to exegesis that will help those who do not know Greek or Hebrew and even those who do. He starts by explaining the different approaches (synchronic, diachronic, and existential). He uses an eclectic approach in this book and recommends the reader do the same. He favors working from the final text form and not giving undue attention to liberal methods of form criticism...
Gorman's book is an excellent tool for teaching the basics of exegesis to college students with little to no background in critical biblical studies. I highly recommend it for those who need a brief introduction to the topic. Those who are already trained in exegesis probably won't find much help here.
very good book, clear well thought out, simple methods for complex work... will use many times over.
Extremely well written, and very insightful. The book gives many practical guidelines for biblical analysis, and suggests many tools to help in the process. There is also an excellent critique on the different translations of the bible. Overall, I'd say the book is a bargain, and invaluable to anyone who reads the bible!