De d nde viene la electricidad? C mo hace que funcione una computadora o que una bombilla ilumine? La electricidad es una forma de energ a que puede usarse de muchas maneras. Este libro comienza con las part culas diminutas que conforman los tomos --electrones, protones...
Where does electricity come from? How does it make a computer run or a light bulb shine? Electricity is a form of energy that can be used in many ways. Starting with the tiny particles that make up atoms electrons, protons, and neutrons this book highlights the basics of how...
Where does electricity come from?How does it make a computer run or a light bulb shine?Electricity is a form of energy that can be used in many ways.Starting with the tiny particles that make up atoms--electrons, protons, and neutrons--this book highlights the basics of how electricity...
This series introduces students to basic concepts of energy and matter. It describes topics through short, easy-to-understand sentences supplemented by vivid photography and simple experiments.
Violence is escalating, and spilling on to the streets of Montreal.A nine-year-old girl is killed in crossfire on her way to ballet class. The body of a teenager killed in North Carolina is found hundreds of miles away.Forensic anthropologist Dr Temperance Brennan has to pick...