I like cookbooks but if they're not complete reference cook books I like at least some kind of picture or doodle.
It's always fun to see our favorite books on the screen. But sometimes, the best literature gets adapted before we've had the chance to read it. Here are thirteen new or upcoming book-to-screen adaptations. Order your copy of the source material so you can read before you watch.
There are a lot of exciting new books coming out! Here are nine of our most highly anticipated titles in the next several months, plus related reads you can get right now.
Here's our fourth installment for the best books of the past decade. Each week for five weeks, we are presenting top ten lists of the best books of the past decade in two different genres. A total of ten lists of ten: 10 x 10 equals 100! This week's lists are SciFi/Fantasy and Thriller/Mystery. Here are our picks for the top ten of each.