I love this book! I've even made some of the recipes at the end and they were great! I've been on a mission to lose weight and eat better as well as encourage my husband to do the same. He's not as commited and disciplined as I am for weight loss or eating better, but as a result of my following the suggestions in this book for myself, my husband benefits without even trying! I'm so stoked by the information in this book...
Simple, no nonsence guide to help you make intelligent choices in what you eat. It's not a book to just be read, but to be constantly referred to; I keep my copy in my backpack, and consult it often. But let me warn you; some of the revelations are going to shock you. For instance; did you know that at Cold Stone creamery, EVERY drink one of their regular line of shakes contains a MINIMUM of 1,000 calories, 92 Grams of...
I enjoyed reading this book, it is a real guide to how to eat and keep a healthy diet especially for people like me who like food. Great read indeed.
OKAY, i ADMIT IT. I AM A FAST FOOD JUNKIE I am always on the go. Fast food is easy to get and find. BUT sometimes my choices are bad Ever since I gotten this book, my healther choices have become better Fast Food Junkies Unite. so If you like me have hard food choices to make, this book is a simple and easy way to pick the better foods. This guide book is filled with tips and pictures. If this small volume helps anyone,...
This book sorts through good and bad foods and explains it all using great pictures. It's easy to read, and compact enough to go with you to the store or restaurant...
Welcome 2016!, and how are those New Year resolutions going? We're still in the "honeymoon phase" and I'm sure many of you are still crushing most of the goals you set. But the fact that we set similar goals most, if not every year, means that our resolutions can lack staying power. We’ve all had more "new leaves" turn back than we’d like to admit, and the usual suspects have something to do with diet and exercise. These failures are understandable because physiological and nutritional health get sold to us as a shrink-wrapped, easy solution you can gulp down in one easy shake a day.