Even if you are not a fan of Nietzsche, this little book is a great place to get a snippet of what he was all about. Granted, it's only a snippet, so there are naturally better places to turn to if you wanted more; Walter Kaufmann's Basic Writings of Nietzsche (Modern Library Classics) or The Portable Nietzsche (Portable Library) for example. That said, this 90 page book does contain several of Nietzsche's more famous ideas...
This is an exhilarating, sobering, beautiful, sad, scary book. The product of a great intellect on the brink of madness, it clearly reflects the encroaching grandiosity characteristic of general paresis, the form of neurosyphilis which together with the meningovascular form ultimately killed him. Within three months of writing Ecce Homo, Nietzsche suffered a complete mental breakdown from which he never regained his sanity...
If you are interested in understanding Friedrich Nietzche's philosophy this little book is a great place to start. In this book the philosopher who coined the phrase "God is dead" brings us two two other ones in this little book "What does not kill you makes you stronger" and "Do not spit against the wind". He was the first immoralist who believed that freeing the world from a make believe God and our accountibilty to him...
If you are interested in understanding Friedrich Nietzche's philosophy this little book is a great place to start. In this book the philosopher who coined the phrase "God is dead" brings us two new ones "What does not kill you makes you stronger" and "Do not spit against the wind". He was the first immoralist who believed that freeing the world from a make believe God and our accountibilty to him was the true way to redemption...
"I erect no new idols; let the old idols learn what it means to have legs of clay. To overthrow idols--that is rather my business. Reality has been deprived of its value, its meaning, its veracity," He has been called a brilliant thinker, strikingly original, subversive, evil, creative, brazen, intellectually passionate, challenging, and the Anti-Christ ("God is a crude answer, a piece of indelicacy against us thinkers")...