The Shelf2Life Literature and Fiction Collection is a unique set of short stories, poems and novels from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. From tales of love, life and heartbreaking loss to humorous stories of ghost encounters, these volumes captivate the imaginations of...
The Shelf2Life Literature and Fiction Collection is a unique set of short stories, poems and novels from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. From tales of love, life and heartbreaking loss to humorous stories of ghost encounters, these volumes captivate the imaginations of...
E. Haldeman-Julius (n Emanuel Julius) (1889 -1951) was an American social reformer and publisher. Anna Marcet Haldeman (1887-1941) was an American feminist, playwright, editor, author, and bank president. She was the wife of activist E. Haldeman-Julius. After their marriage...
""Dust"" is a novel written by Emanuel Haldeman-Julius. The book is set in the early 1900s and follows the story of a young woman named Margaret, who is forced to leave her comfortable life in the city and move to a small town in the Midwest. Margaret is initially unhappy with...
Dust is a book written by Emanuel Haldeman-Julius. The book revolves around the concept of dust and its significance in human life. The author explores the various ways in which dust affects our daily lives, from its role in the formation of the universe to its impact on our...