Have the new Dune movies got you all fired up to read the books that inspired them? Congratulations! You have a thrilling adventure ahead. To help you get started, we've created this guide to understanding the various series and how they fit into the overall timeline.
It's always fun to see our favorite books on the screen. But sometimes, great literature gets adapted before we've had the chance to read it. Or maybe we want to reread them before we watch. Here are fifteen of the books behind the newest book-to-screen adaptations.
Every month, streaming services remove some of their offerings to make room for new ones. But that doesn't mean we can't watch them anymore. Here is a list of titles being cut by Hulu and Netflix in October. Order your own copy to keep watching.
Watching the Oscars this weekend? If so, you’ll want to catch up on the literature that served as inspiration for some of the nominated movies. Plus, we share some of our favorite book-to-screen best picture winners from the last quarter century.
Like most fans of the novel Dune, I await with great anticipation the forthcoming film version directed by Denis Villeneuve, which had me thinking of its previous adaptations. Despite its place as one of the most popular science fiction books of all time, its previous journeys to the screen have not lived up to the book’s hype…