Duke Around and Find Out...
In the heart of London, notorious rake and society scandal, Lord Leo Wyndham, finds himself entangled in an unexpected venture. Determined never to succumb to the chains of matrimony, Leo, known for his devilish charm and disregard for social norms, takes on the challenge of transforming the demure and overlooked Miss Arabella Hall into the toast of the ton. A wealthy heiress with a hidden past in service, Arabella, despite her beauty, languished in the shadows of high society. With a devil-may-care attitude, Leo embarks on a mission to showcase her allure, to thrust her into the spotlight.
As Leo delves deeper into his self-imposed mission, he finds himself ensnared by Arabella's quiet strength and genuine spirit. Unbeknownst to him, his heart betrayed his aversion to commitment, and he longs for more than just a matchmaking triumph. However, Arabella, acutely aware of Leo's reputation, remains oblivious to his growing affections. Convinced that he could only see her as a social project, she's resolved to secure a suitable match for herself, all the while grappling with the stigma of her humble origins. Amidst the glittering ballrooms and scandalous escapades, a tale of unexpected love unfolds, challenging both hero and wallflower to defy societal expectations and embrace the possibility of a future they never imagined.