A 2007 summer reading list mini review. It is well with my soul seems like it is going to be like many other books out there dedicated tothe stories behind great hymns. In reality, however, Rachael Phillips book is conerned more about the great lives behind the great works. She paints portraits of Spafford, Bliss, Cowper and Havergal that expose their strengths but also give even coverage of the difficulties they each...
I never really knew much about the great hymn writers of old, so I bought this book. The stories in this book are both informative and very interesting too. I could hardly put it down.
Barbour Publishing's "Heroes of the Faith" series found an able storyteller in Rachael Phillips, a Christian writer and humorist whose talents as a researcher and biographer are clearly on display in the book, Well with My Soul. This work, suitable for preteens on up, gives vivid life-portraits of four of Christendom's most colorful and prolific hymn writers. Phillips, as she did so well with her "Heroes" treatments of...
Creativity. Vulnerability. Justice. Happiness. Motivation. Feminism. Perseverance. Can these qualities be gained in 25 minutes or less? Probably not. But luckily, we have books!