As seen on TV: Nightmares Decoded
DREAM BOOK: Lucid Dreaming and Dream Recall shows you how to remember and work with your lucid dreams to create a happier you. Everybody dreams every night and with this rich source of subconscious information you can find the keys to overcoming fears, solving problems, and revealing your hidden motives and desires. By recalling dreams from our childhood, accessing the memories from past lives and unraveling the emotional problems of today the author shows you how to use dreams as a tool for spiritual wellbeing. The book includes many experiments you can try that will deepen your access into your unconscious mind and allow you to enter perfect, restful sleep. You are also shown techniques such as how to astral travel, how to trigger lucid dreams and how to use dreams to answer specific questions about your life. Drawing on ancient spiritual teachings and modern psychology, this book will show you how dreams can change your life.
This book is part of the DREAM BOOK TRILOGY
Chapter Include:
What Are Dreams?
Primitive and Tribal Dreams, Native American Dreamers, Aboriginal Dreamtime, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, Dream Spaces, Recall Technique, Function of Dreams, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung,
The Art of Sleep
Curing Insomnia, Herbal Aids, Dream Foods, Sleep Hormones, Preparing for Sleep, Larks and Owls, Sleep Techniques, Prana Breathing, 3 Nidra Breath Techniques, Relaxing, Deep Relaxation Experiment.
Recall, Lucidity and Experimentation
Interrupting Early Sleep Cycles, Late Sleep Cycles, Inner Attitude, Basic Dream Recall and Lucidity, Dream Diary, Sensory Recall, Sounds, Sensations, Recall Routines, Dream Notices, Streams of Consciousness, Working with Imagery, Ink Blot Technique, Externalizing your Dream, Invisible Friends, Doodle Techniques, Working with Mandalas, Dream Maps, Multiple Dream Recall, Dream Dictionary, I Ching Experiments, Tarot, Edgar Cayce, Cayce's Methods.
Working with Your Dreams
Dream Interpretations, Dream Symbols, Common Dreams, How to Interpret a Dream, Feelings, Content Overview, Dream Landscapes, Observation Techniques, Who is in your Dream? Observing Detail, Recurring Dreams, Putting Dreams to use, Technique to use Dreams to Solve Problems.
Lucid Dream Techniques
What are Lucid Dreams? Your Spiritual Double, Creating a Doppelg nger, Triggering Lucid Dreams, Reality Testing Techniques, Jumping and Flying, Dream Memory, Changing Reality, Improving Lucidity, REM Cycles and Lucid Dreaming, Getting up too early, Tibetan Dream Control, Cloud Walking, Learning to Fly, Lindbergh's Astral Flight, Out-of-Body Dreams, How to Astral Travel, Dream Body Perceptions, Opening the Third Eye, Third Eye Chakra Experiments, Shared Dream Memories, Meeting in Dreams,
Remembering Past Lives
Dream to Remember Past Incarnations, Remembering Lost Childhood Memories, The Past Lives of George S Patton, How to Remember you Birth, Dreamscapes, Childhood Dreamscapes, Symbolic Dreamscapes, Foreign Dreamscapes, Out-of-Body Dreamscapes, Celebrity Past Lives, Past Life Dreamscapes, Case Study: Shanti Devi, Past Life Recall for Self-Improvement, Recognizing People you Knew in your Last Incarnation, Group Souls, How Many Lives? Remembering Animal Past Lives,
Seeing the Future
How to See the Future, Theories about Premonition, Do you Dream of the Future? What is ESP? Psychic Test, Dreaming of the Future, Dream Incubation for Prophecy, Incubating Future Dreams, Prophecies you may have already made, How to Dream About the Future, The Dreaming Soul.