So easy to read and helped me so much!!
I am thankful to Dr. Lee. My own,trusted gyne turned out to be totally close-minded when I began to question him about the negative effects of HRT. He was so quick to put me on synthetic hormones, and I didn't feel good about it. I began to read Dr. Lee and others. I was shocked that my own physician could overlook this current, growing, and vast body of literature about biodentical hormones and not include its study in his...
It's too bad Dr Lee is no longer alive, because I'd like to shake his hand and thank him for all his wonderful work. After some very bad experiences with artificial hormones that made me extremely ill, I went in search of an answer that would finally explain what I was experiencing and why I was having the issues I was having. I've had Endometriosis and severe PMDD for many years, but I didn't know I had them as no one could...
This book is awesome, I started using Progestrone cream and have no more annoying aches and pains, short period without spotting for a week before and after, no more restless legs at night, I sleep 100x better, no longer waking up multiple times a night and feel very calm and laid back even with my four kids (6,4 and twins that are 3. It's amazing. Every women should read this book.
Dr Lee was one of the first male physicians to really stand up for women and get the word out that birth control pills and all the synthetic pharmaceutical hormones are poison and his books are true. Suzanne Somers, Dr Schwarzbein, and others have since come out with more truth. Bioidentical hormones do NOT cause clots, tumors, and the craziness of the HRT hormones...many of which are STILL being tossed at women. You must...