Love--and crushes--are in the air for Nikki Maxwell in this sixth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series It's the biggest dance of the year and Nikki Maxwell is hoping her crush, Brandon, wants to be her date. But time is running...
Nikki te da la pista definitiva para saber si le gustas a tu crush.
Sexto volumen de la serie «Diario de una Dork , el diario en el que Nikki le da vueltas a todo... Los flechazos est?n en el aire.
El gran d?a del baile est? a punto de llegar...
Love--and crushes--are in the air for Nikki Maxwell in this sixth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series It's the biggest dance of the year and Nikki Maxwell is hoping her crush, Brandon, wants to be her date. But time is running...
Large Print�s increased font size and wider line spacing maximizes reading legibility, and has been proven to advance comprehension, improve fluency, reduce eye fatigue, and boost engagement in young readers of all abilities, especially struggling, reluctant, and...