The late Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR (1933-2014), who was an EWTN host, best-selling author, psychology professor, and internationally known retreat director, can lead readers in ways they never considered possible.
Recognizing that anxiety and fear are the most common personal problems brought to him during nearly forty years of psychological counseling, Fr. Benedict Groeschel knows first hand that most people prefer to avoid the issue of mortality entirely.
Himself the victim of a hit-and-run accident in 2004, after which he had no vital signs for thirty minutes, Father Groeschel masterfully explains how consoling and uplifting the truths surrounding death, judgment, Hell, purgatory, and Heaven really are.
Learn to live each new day with confidence based on the mercy and love of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, who spoke often of death and the last judgment through his parables.
For a short book, Father Benedict has presented a good bit of content. If you've read other books by this author, it will come as no surprise, that St. Augustine is a major source, particulary on the view of heaven. This book is worth the price just for the chapter on the period of purgation. I've already passed my copy to an inquirer in the RCIA program who was having trouble with the concept.
Think this was very well written and one to re-read. The only thing I would like is for his books to be on Kindle.