I was skeptical at first, thinking this was just far-right, fiction trash. I just finished reading it. I could not put this book down. This is a very well researched book. I recommend it to anyone needing a good dose of reality therapy. Unfortunately, liberals who are allergic to logic and are emotionally-driven in their decision making will bash this book, whether they read it or not. Take it from me, a liberal who refuses...
I picked this book up expecting it to be rather cheesy and mediocre but it truly is an astonishing and detailed record of hypocrisy in America today. From Michael "I don't own a single share of any stock" Moore's collection of Halliburton shares to Nancy "I love the unions" Pelosi's non-union winery, this is a collection replete of head-shaking and shocking revelations that definitely show the concept of "do as I say and...
This book covers A LOT of what the liberal media doesn't want you to know. It's absolutially mind blowing, and *FACTUALLY COMPLETE* (unlike the tripe that the old media tries to rattle out of their old box of spin tricks). This is one book I'm passing around, and encouraging everyone I know to buy! It's quite hilarious to see how all the liberals are taking the release and popularity of this book. It has them running scared...
Just as Clinton challenged the definition of "is," Liberals hear facts and think they are just opinions. To them everything is subjective. Can't help thinking their brains are not wired quite right. Perhaps that's why they ignore reality and use the oldest selling technique in the book -- tug on those emotions when preaching to the masses in order to gain power over them. Libs are masters at it. Thank god I'm not one...
This book gives countless examples of liberals who do not practice what they preach. All sorts of people on the left are included, such as politicians like Nancy Pelosi, radical professors like Noam Chomsky, and entertainers like Michael Moore. The claims in this book are all fact-based, and cannot by dismissed by any liberal who will stand by their principals. For instance, the fact that Michael Moore owns Halliburton stock...