This volume of the six book "Discover Hawaii's" nature series introduces young readers to the very special nature of Hawaii's forests. Readers learn how a forest arises from what was once barren lava rock, how life arrived here by wind, wings, and waves and gradually evolved into certain species that are found nowhere else in the world. Readers are introduced to the structure of a forest and the many kinds of forest that exist in Hawaii, from sub-alpine, to rainforests, bogs, and more. Readers are also introduced to some of Hawaii's most unusual native forest inhabitants, such as carnivorous caterpillars and happy-face spiders, as well as some of the most invasive alien species that threaten the natural diversity of forest life. Text and colorful illustrations are equally balanced throughout the book. The book concludes as readers are encouraged to care for Hawai'i's forests; a list of "Do"s and "Don't"s suggests what we can each do to help.