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Contemporary Fiction Genre Fiction Horror Literature & Fiction Mystery, Thriller & Suspense"People of the Wind" is an interesting story about the Planet Avalon, which has been jointly and amicably settled by Earthmen and Ythrians. Ythrians are an avian race, quite capable of flight. One of Poul Anderson's strengths as a writer was his ability to create imaginative non-human races and extrapolate and attribute a non-human psychology to them. The Ythrians are an unusually imaginative example of this, and the interaction...
All of us go through a phase of doubting whether we should adhere to the genre. This provided one of my most compelling reasons to continue. Forthwith is the "blurb" from the 1982 Signet back cover. "THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND Wherever the borders of the Terran Empire and the Ythrian Domain touch, there is the possibility of war. Caught in the middle of this galactic power struggle is the Ythrian colony planet Avalon, a world...
This may be Anderson's best work. The interplay between two races, the flying carnivorous Ythri and the human Terrans, in the midst of a powerful space attack, makes for an interesting study. The book is also important because it is the bridge between two, originally separate, future histories. A descendant from the chronologically earlier history plays an important part in the later one.
With more than fifty shows, over sixty movies, plus nine unnecessary Children of the Corn sequels, Stephen King has nearly as ubiquitous an appearance on screen as in print. Here are the internet's definitive Top 10 Stephen King adaptations. Read more to see if you agree.
Fifteen years ago, I read Carrie and it inspired me to never pick up another Stephen King book again. But I want to understand! So to celebrate Billy Summers and understand the phenom, I asked his biggest ThriftBooks fans to tell me what they love so much. Maybe they’ll inspire me to pick up a King title and give him a try?
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About six years ago, my family spent our Friday nights watching the entire series of Little House on the Prairie. My intent was not just to share with them a little bit of my childhood but to show them a different way of living. These past few weeks have certainly been challenging with COVID-19 affecting us professionally, socially, and personally, but this gift of time, and of togetherness, has given us a taste of what life may have been like back in Walnut Grove and brought back these wonderful memories. My hope for all of us is to embrace the notable moments today as they will become our enduring memories tomorrow.
Did you know that in addition to books, Thriftbooks offers a large inventory of films and TV shows? And while we frequently say, "the book is always better," we have to admit that every once in a while, it isn't. Check out our list of movies that improve upon their predecessor.