FOREWORD by Carole Lewis:
I like this book of poems for so many reasons; the pictures are beautiful, the quotes are rich and the scriptures are applicable to the dilemma of losing weight and keeping it off forever. So many of the poems can be used as daily prayers and I suggest doing that. When I joined First Place For Health in 1981, I had never thought about praying before I ate something unhealthy. I just ate it and asked for forgiveness afterwards. Using these poems as daily prayers will be life changing in your quest to lose weight and gain the new healthy lifestyle you always dreamed of.
A few of my favorites are Borders And Boundaries, Cleanse Me, Your Perfect Will, The Thief Of Time and Procrastination. This little book is powerful and will help you on your journey toward a healthy lifestyle. Keep it where you have your quiet time with God and read it daily to help you change forever. Carole Lewis. First Place For Health Director Emeritus