The Case Of The Golden Bullet is a mystery novel written by Grace Isabel Colbron. The story revolves around the murder of a wealthy businessman named John Harrison. The murder weapon is a golden bullet, which is a rare and expensive type of ammunition. The police are baffled...
The Case Of The Golden Bullet is a mystery novel written by Grace Isabel Colbron. The story revolves around a wealthy businessman named John Bruce, who is found dead in his study with a bullet wound in his head. The police are baffled by the case, as there is no evidence of a...
The Case of the Golden Bullet is a mystery novel written by Grace Isabel Colbron. The story revolves around the murder of a wealthy businessman named John Harrison. The murder weapon is a golden bullet, which is found lodged in Harrison's head. The police are baffled by the case...
The Case Of The Golden Bullet is a mystery novel written by Grace Isabel Colbron. The story revolves around the murder of a wealthy businessman named John Harrison. The murder weapon is a golden bullet, which is a rare and expensive type of ammunition. The police are stumped...
Reprint of the detective novel starring Joseph M ller, Secret Service detective of the Imperial Austrian police.
Reprint of the detective novel starring Joseph M ller, Secret Service detective of the Imperial Austrian police.