In our men's bible study, we have been going through several of the selections. It is definitely a thought provoking as we see how God uses other people's greatest contribution to Christendom to give inspiration and challenge to our modern day world. This is not cursory reading by any means. If you are looking for something that goes beyond the easy Sunday school answer, this is a great book for you. Many of our participants...
This is a compilation of spiritual food from some of the devotional masters of the past 2000 years. These are men and women who walked with God, whose meditations probed with awe the depths of God. Foster has collected some of the best of these meditations and organized them. This is a book that can be read and reread. It will be a treasure for years.
This is an excellent book for several reasons. First, it is a wonderful collection of 52 different devotional Christian writers from the second century to today. Second, for anyone interested in developing spiritual disciplines the exercises at the end of each chapter are excellent launching pads. Additionally, the book gives succinct biogaphical information about each writer, lending some insight into the readings themselves...
I have been giving this book as a gift to as many people as I can. It is a welcome respite from the devotional books found in most Christian bookstores, whose owners seem to think that nothing of worth was written between the Bible and C.S. Lewis' conversion. As someone raised thoroughly Protestant, I have enjoyed not only an introduction to the more devotion-oriented writings of the great Protestant heavies (Luther, Calvin,...