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Depression Mental Health Psychology Self Help Self-Help Self-Help & Psychology Social SciencesI have been a fan of the Get Fuzzy franchise since day 1. I love reading the comics one after the other without the hassle of waiting another day. Sassy cat, silly dog, single guy. Like Garfield, but with more edge. I love it!
I feared that Darby Conley had lost his touch after the previous "Get Fuzzy Treasury; Loserpalooza", which I found to be average and rather mundane compared to his other books. This, on the other hand, reminded me why I loved Get Fuzzy after all. Simply brilliant comedy about the life of Satchel Pooch the simple but well-meaning mixed-breed dog, Bucky Katt the megalomaniac cat and Robert Wilco, the single office-worker with...
I won't go into how fantastic this comic strip is, but it is easily my favorite comic strip of all time. :) For the uninitiated, there are eight collections so far and three treasuries. The fourth treasury is not yet released. Please keep in mind that each treasury is two collections put together, so as far as I know the treasuries are the same as two of the collections, except I believe the treasuries have the Sunday comics...
I love all the Get Fuzzy books. This is TWO of the smaller ones in one book. Be careful you do not order the books that this book contains AND this book both hoping to get even more, because you will end up with duplication! This contains BOTH My Move Contract and Take Our Cat in one book. It is not new material.