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LawAt last an honest view of diet and health. If you wish to avoid the common diseases of the western junk-food culture get this book and follow it. I have never met a doctor more concerned with the public health than Doctor McDougall. His book is honest and backed up with decades of factual knowledge. Do yourself a favor and read this book!
Following the McDougall plan now for 2.5 years I have never felt or looked healthier. Not to mention loosing over 100 lbs. If you are serious about improving your health, loosing weight, or just want some sound advice about going VEGAN then this book is a MUST! Dr. McDougall makes total sense and is easy to follow. Finnaly someone who understands the real road to long term health and weight loss does NOT start with eating...
An essential resource focusing on the diet and its relation to health. Although the McDougalls have made a living off of their "program," the book is free of related propaganda and focuses on well-documented and cited facts. This book has undoubtedly extended and improved many lives. In addition, The McDougall Program is a must-read for those who wonder why friends or loved ones have chosen a diet free of animal products...
Dr. McDougall's plan isn't for the short requires changing your life (for the better), and in our fast-paced world many people are looking for the quick fix, no matter the long-term consequences. If you want a fad diet that promises you can eat all the fatty meat and junk food you want, and still drop 15 pounds in a month, by all means don't buy this book. Don't expect to keep your health, either. Dr. McDougall...
This book saved my son's life. He had relapsing polychondritis, a rare autoimmune disease in the lupus family. I learned about Dr. McDougall through a search on the internet for relapsing polychondritis which brought me to a vegetarian website. We had never considered diet as a possible cause or influence in my son's condition, but we bought the book and started the low-fat, whole food diet. It makes total sense that our...