This is Larry Chambers second book. I have not yet read his first, but absolutely will. You shouldn't come to Larry Chambers' Death in the A Shau Valley expecting to find the writing style of an experienced literary man. You will not find it. Instead, you will read the accounts of life in Nam as Chambers lived it, as Chambers the American soldier lived it. The chapters are often disjointed from a true chronology of events,...
This book stands alone on the merits of its content. It is characterized by excellent writing. I have read other books about LRRP's and Special Op's in Vietnam, and most have been characterized by poor writing and sketchy details. Not so here.Mr. Chambers has written a truly superb book that never once lets up with the riveting suspense. It is simply one exciting tale after another, and this is one ex-soldier who knows how...
I am a vetnam vet and have read almost every book on the subject over the past 20 years. I feel this is must reading for anyone who wants to experience what Nam was like. I can imagine it must be difficult to write a book that uses real life stories of many different soliders and their perosonal experience but it creates exciting reading from page one, to the end. Airborne all the way!
WOW! Once again I am stumped at how someone could truely read this book, and find it Weak. I think Larry did an outstanding job in writting this book, my only belief is that the person that found this book weak was never in the NAM, or else he was a rear echelon person. I am not knocking him if he was,cause if it hadn't been for these guys, We RANGERS,could not have done our jobs as we did. Larry thank you for writting...
For anyone who wants to know what Ranger/LRRP missions were like in the I Corps region of Vietnam, this is the book for you. Chambers describes in detail the million and one things that can wipe out a Ranger team in a hurry. This book is informative for anyone who wants to understand a different side of the Vietnam War that has been sadly overlooked for so long. This is an admirable work from someone who's been there...