Inseparable friends and outcasts in their affluent suburban home town of Bellevue, Washington, teenage high school dropouts David Anderson and Alex Baranyi were going nowhere fast - and soon they would be convicted of a terrible crime. After they lured former schoolmate Kim Wilson to a local park where she was beaten and strangled to death, they went to the victim's home and slaughtered her mother, father, and younger sister. Newspaper reporter Putsata...
A chilling look at two high school buddies who, finding themselves increasingly marginalized and ignored by society around them, explode in a violent massacre. Their slaughter of an entire family is made all the more chilling by the fact that they had talked about it for a year or two beforehand, yet no one took them seriously. Journalist Reang has done a good job of filling in the background details of these two adolescent...
As a conisuer of true crime novels I have to say that this is one of the best I have ever read. It was accurate in it's facts, and I know this because I personally researched the case after reading the book. I also wrote to one of the teens that were convicted of this crime, as this book made me want to understand more about him. It is rare for me to be unable to put a book down, but I finished this one in little less than...
The fact that is most heart breaking is that this is all true. David is just intensly homicial and drags his poor friend Alex into his plot so he would have a scapegoat in which is his best friend. Alex stood for David as if he couldn't ever live with himself if he ratted out David. David on the other hand seemed to not have any regret or show any sorrow that his long time friend was being slaugthered in court all in his...
This is a good book and showes just how far this lost kids will take Dungens and Dragons games and fantisy games to which they don't even know the difference from reality any more. These two boys put this plan together just to know what it feels like to kill. Where their warrning signs??? Yes, but no one took them seriously. Even Kim herself hear the rumors that he was gonna kill her, but just laughted it off. Wake up...