Juan Gutierrez, a cancer researcher, has spent years studying the genome of animals that exhibit immunity to some types of cancer. Over the course of his study, Juan discovers a pattern that allows him to predict the course of a species' evolution across thousands of generations...
Juan Gutierrez, a cancer researcher, has spent years studying the genome of animals that exhibit immunity to some types of cancer. Over the course of his study, Juan discovers a pattern that allows him to predict the course of a species' evolution across thousands of generations...
"Perspicaz y absorbente" (Kirkus Reviews): Juan parece haber encontrado una cura para el c ncer, pero cuando Nate, forense del FBI, analiza un caso desconcertante, queda claro que el algoritmo de Juan ha ca do en malas manos... "Un thriller intrigante con trasfondo cient fico...
Juan Gutierrez, a cancer researcher, has spent years studying the genome of animals that exhibit immunity to some types of cancer. Over the course of his study, Juan discovers a pattern that allows him to predict the course of a species' evolution across thousands of generations...
Clever, fesselnd (Kirkus Reviews): Juan hat m?glicherweise ein wirksames Heilverfahren f?r Krebs entdeckt - aber als der Forensische Analyst Nate vom FBI mehrere r?tselhafte Vorf?lle untersucht, stellt sich allm?hlich heraus, dass Juans Algorithmus in falsche H?nde gefallen...